Downtowns belong to everybody and fundamentally shape their cities' reputations. Our downtown plans have fostered vitality and resilience within communities of every size.
The first rule of planning is to bring density to transit and to bring transit to density. From Long Island to Indiana to Utah, we've led plans to locate new neighborhoods on rail and integrate bus service into community streets.
Building towns and neighborhoods from scratch is where we cut our teeth and remains a mainstay of our work. Several of these, like Rosemary Beach, FL and Heulebrug, Belgium, have upended conventional practice and established new benchmarks in sustainable greenfield development.
Most communities have missing teeth ready for new construction. Building on them properly is the essence of smart growth.
Transforming car-centric locations with pedestrian-friendly site plans is a focal strategy in our work.
We invented the Walkability Study in 2009 and have since completed over a dozen across the United States.
The design of a city's streets is often all that stands in the way of a more walkable future. Our street plans have brought struggling downtowns back to life.
Walkable public spaces are shaped in the vertical dimension by buildings and trees that turn them into outdoor living rooms. In addition to streetscapes and urban forestry plans, we design landmark buildings for key sites within our projects.
Jeff Speck's carefully honed and locally customized talks are renowned for their wisdom and humor, and even more so for the ways in which they inspire communities to imagine and embrace positive change.