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Utah City

Vineyard, UT, USA

At the head of the principal promenade sits the transit plaza providing access to Front Runner regional rail. 


Flagship Companies, Woodbury Corporation


DPZ Co-Design


2020 - present


New Towns & Neighborhoods, Transit Oriented Developments




294 acres


Under construction


Bronson Tatton, Flagship Development,

The Salt Lake City region has seen a tremendous investment in transit but not much of the resulting station area development has been truly walkable. Utah City aims to make good on the promise of T.O.D.

This large-scale Transit-Oriented Development places a new downtown on the 294-acre brownfield formerly occupied by the Geneva Steel Mill. Vineyard is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S., but thus far has not developed any of the walkable urbanism that can be found in Utah’s older communities. This plan re-centers the city on its new rail stop and shapes 9.5 million square feet of new growth into a complete community of places to live, work, shop, worship, recreate, and also seek care at a regional medical center.

The plan is organized as two neighborhoods, each centered on a linear promenade reaching to the lakefront. The larger promenade terminates on a civic square, which then transitions to a “shared space” main street reaching to the station plaza. The square itself functions as a traffic distribution device, like a roundabout, so that no one street beyond it need contain more than two driving lanes.

The plan and associated form-based code were quickly approved by the City and development is well underway. Trains are arriving at the Front Runner Station, multiple mixed-use blocks are under construction, and site planning is almost complete for both a new supermarket and the Huntsman Cancer Institute’s 40-acre campus.

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