Project 180
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
2011 ASLA Texas Chapter Honor Award in Planning
City of Oklahoma City, Devon Energy
The Office of James Burnett, Murase Associates, AECOM
Downtowns, Walkability Studies
140 million TIF
180 acres
Largely completed
Mick Cornett, Mayor,
“The city has exploded with new recreation and food venues. The demographics of our City have changed so much with the influx of young adults starting their careers; downtown feels alive and metropolitan! ”
— Laura Story, Program Manager
In 2009, after Prevention magazine named Oklahoma City “the worst city for pedestrians in the entire country,” Jeff Speck was commissioned to complete his very first Walkability Study. The effort was timely, as it coincided with plans just underway to remake the center of the city. As a result of a new high-rise being constructed by Devon Energy, a $140M TIF was being issued to rebuild almost every street in the 40-block downtown core. The design team, led by Jim Burnett, asked the firm to create a curb-to-curb design for every street.
The resulting plan—initially rejected due to fears of congestion—reduced the number of driving lanes by one third, reverted a largely one-way system back to two-way, added comprehensive biking facilities, and more than doubled the amount of on-street parking. Now largely implemented without major congestion, these changes have been credited by local officials with bringing downtown Oklahoma City back to life.